Wanneer ben je oud?

Je bent oud als je de volgende dingen in de bibliotheek verwacht:

  • Identify organizations of older adults in your community and meet informally on a regular basis; form a senior focus group to act as an advisory body to the library.
  • Prepare a booklist?Seniors in Fiction, Retirement Options, etc. Provide book lists in LARGE PRINT. Prepare a book display.
  • Display works of art by seniors in the library.
  • Create a ?Large Print Week? or month. Purchase ?new? large print books regularly. Weed old titles!!!!
  • Display materials from the Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped.
  • Produce a one-page simple flyer on senior services that your library offers. Highlight services to seniors on your bookmobile or outreach efforts.
  • LINK, LINK, LINK to web sites of interest to older adults.
  • Create a web page for seniors. Have seniors (especially the seniors from above) design their own web page for the library. Initiate a newsletter aimed towards seniors in print and on the web. Offer computer and internet classes for seniors. Purchase at least one large screen (19? plus) for the library?s OPAC and internet. Invite older adults to train the public in internet and OPAC. Establish the library as a place for seniors to chat with other seniors around the corner, across the state, around the country and throughout the world.
  • Promote books-by-mail and/or homebound service. If you don?t have it, start it!
  • Utilize seniors as volunteers in your library; have an annual volunteer recognition day.
  • Bring books to the nursing home or senior center. Set up a mini-library.
  • Invite a senior to lunch. Have a celebration for the oldest senior in town in the library.
  • In cooperation with other agencies, offer programs in your library for older adults, including health, exercise, entertainment, rights and benefits, local history, genealogy, travel, health and information fair and oral history.
  • Give at talk at a senior center on library services. Host a library tour for seniors.
  • Have a contest! Snapshots of local personalities when they were young. Who are they?
  • Provide facilities that are accessible to someone with a cane or a wheelchair. Provide magnification equipment in the library.
  • Sponsor programs and purchase materials for the Sandwich Generation.
  • Develop projects that are intergenerational in nature, including quilting, local history/genealogy, history, WWI for example. Seniors volunteer to read to children after school. Seniors volunteer to help students with homework.
  • Start a senior poetry-writing group.
  • Have seniors start a chess club or a stamp club.

The Sandwich Generation,?? definition: Traditional: those sandwiched between aging parents who need care and/or help and their own children.

Bron: Webjunction

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